Come on out for our annual 5K Run! This year were changing it up a bit from a color run to a Glow Run. The race will start at 8 pm, and you will run through the beautiful town of Marietta. A long with your registration you will recieve a free t-shirt, and 3 glow sticks. There will be other Glow sticks avaiable for sale. The cost to register is $20. If you register after September 15 the cost will be $25. To register, please go and go to online registration and find Marietta 5k. Children are encouraged to praticipate. Kids ages 5 to 12 are $10 and children under the age of 5 are free! Children shirts are not included. Regristration the day of the event will start at 7 pm! You will need to check in before you are permitted to race. There will be awards in different age groups. If you have any questions please contact Fire Chief Brandon Smith at 717-203-9349.